Friday, October 3, 2014

Transportation in flight

This week, as part of MPX10s year-long focus on sustainable transportation, Ms. Davis' and Mr. Hines' combined humanities and physics class ventured to the airport to learn about Hawaiian Airline's efforts to decrease fuel costs.

After the field trip, sophomore Mahina reflected:

"One of the great things about MPX is how you can dive deeper into a subject allowing you to understand the connection between different facts and subjects. For example, when you think about the topic “how do people move around the world?” you would mainly think social or economic, but MPX shows you how much more it is. It’s science, math, and even global issues. The world isn’t made in different categories and boxes, the world is messy and mixes together; you can’t fully understand a subject until you recognize how it branches out into new concepts."  

Students learned about the aerodynamics of flight, the forces on a plane, and did hands on activities to learn about Bernoulli's principle. Check Senior Director of performance Engineering demonstrating a plane in flight without excessive wheel drag:

Students then toured the mechanics hanger, speaking to mechanical engineers in small groups about their professions and considerations when building planes that won’t break or crack.

The physics concepts covered on the field trip will be reviewed and implemented in our year long bike project. A huge shout out to Scott--parent of Jordan ('17) for making this field trip possible.

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