Wednesday, August 20, 2014

MPX 10 Free Choice Reading

Welcome to all the new MPX10students! We have been off to a great start with a visit to the library and an introduction to free choice reading. This year, in place of assigned books, students will be responsible for reading 30 books of their own choosing. 

MPX is about empowering students to be leaders of their own learning and book selection is one of those choices. It is my hope that after learning their reading likes and dislikes through the year, when they are no longer my students they will still continue to be life long readers. All topical reading will be covered with in class handouts and short stories.

The assignment includes some criteria by genre which the librarian and I came up with together:

10 free choice
5 Historical fiction (at least 3 based around United State’s history)
3 Biography/autobiography
5 General fiction
4 Science-fiction/fantasy
3 Non-fiction

Here is the full assignment sheet

We start every class with reading time and when students finish a task early they are rewarded with more free reading time. 

One student told me she read 5 books last weekend! And I only read 3. We are already creating an awesome reading culture so if you see one of my students please ask them what they are reading!