Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Working as researchers

A big shout out to all the parents who came out to support MPX students during their PIP presentations at the end of last semester.  It was a huge success--Thank you! If you didn't make it, you will have another chance at the end of this semester.

To catch up to the present, it has been a busy first two weeks of second semester! Students have been working on the U.S. history research project (aka "timeline project") based around the topic of their choice.
Students meeting with guest speaker, Nanette Napoleon

I wanted students to get feedback on their presentation drafts from a full time historian so we invited Nanette Napoelon, civil war historian to class to give them pointers.
Criteria students co-created for presentations
Students can start to build an inner understanding of what "quality" or "excellence" look like when they help to define it, so MPX 10s co-created criteria which they thought defined an excellent presentation for this particular timeline assignment.
Students presenting their criteria to the class
More in-class presentations on criteria
Bryson presenting on the history of espionage in the U.S.

Finally, students presented their information to their classmates. Presentations will continue in the week to come in preparation for the night when students will share their work with the larger community during "Art Walk through History."  The event is from 4:30-5:30, Tuesday, January 28th in the Weinberg seminar room. Mark you calendars!

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