Monday, May 12, 2008

"Do Schools Kill Creativity?"

In this short video Sir Ken Robinson argues that yes, schools do. He suggests that being successful means developing your natural talents. It takes some experimentation to figure out what those talents are, and schools should provide resources, mentors, and space for that kind of experimentation.
The video is funny, well-done, an ultimately made me want to buy ballet slippers for the repressed dancer in, well, all of us. Part of my brain insists students must learn specific skills for the job market that lies ahead, while the other half admits I have no idea what kind of job market awaits in 2016. It seems the only three things I know will help them in any profession are:
1) critical thinking skills
2) creative thinking skills
3) exposure to authors, books, and ideas that demonstrate the heritage of great thinkers that our students inherent simply by being human.
Sir Ken Robinson's lecture speaks directly to #2 listed here.

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