Monday, February 3, 2014

MPX10 Art Walk in History

"My art piece represents how the country was built upon the constant communication between its inhabitants" writes Ethan Jung. This sentence started his artist's statement accompanying the art piece depicting the role of information technology in the United States. MPX10 students presented their work to more than one hundred visitors in the Weinberg Seminar room on Tuesday night.

Please click here to see a photo gallery. 

Students chose their research topics after a survey of US history, 1492 to the present. Topics covered a large range of their interests from Native Americans, agriculture, and disease, to ships, homosexuals, and African Americans. After conducting college-level research and presenting their findings to one another, students studied art techniques of contemporary artists including Kara Walker and Robert Raushenberg. Finally, they built a piece of art that demonstrated their findings on their research.

"This drawing is of a court room. There are two men that are whispering to each other about the woman. This is how sexism works these days not up front but in whispers," wrote Bradley Sakaguchi about his art piece explaining the history of women in the U.S. "In the future I hope that we will look at each other not as males or females, but as humans. We should be treated as equals."

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